Dear FRS-Holland friend,
In case you already received a message, we apologize: in the original e-mail we forgot to include news about the
42nd Anniversary QSL card.
Holiday Season Broadcast
Our traditional December broadcast is just around the corner!
The broadcast will be on next Sunday December 18th. FRS-Holland will continue a long time tradition, ringing out the year.
It was in the early 1980s that we started with December XMas broadcasts. Only very few times in the past 41 years, FRS was absent in December.
It will be worth while tuning our way, so we invite you to join us next week's Sunday!
For detailed information surf to:
FRS Special 42nd Anniversary QSL card
It took some time...the production of the special QSL card related to our 42nd Anniversary broadcast. We received a few minor
setbacks. Meanwhile we can proudly announce the hand made QSL has been finished and ready to send either as an eQSL or a
much nicer/ better looking!) hard copy. It's a very special one...the hard copy really is a must have and collectors item!!
For those who sent an e-mail report: you still have the opportunity to go for a hard copy. Send 3 euro to our mailing address or if you have Paypal,
transfer the money via Paypal (addressed to: Safe, quick and easy! You won't regret it.
For listeners from outside Europe: please pay 5 euro.
Good listening and Happy Holidays!
73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS team)
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
FRS-Holland, POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten in the Netherlands.
e-mail: <>
Free Radio Service Holland is an Independent Free Radio station broadcasting on Shortwave since August 1980.
Broadcasts are carried out in Dutch, German & English at an irregular basis on 51, 48, 41 & 31 metres.
Zdravím, odkud jste? Jarda 777847038
...Centrální adresa klubu, sídlo klubu:
Československý DX klub
Lorencova 5424, CZ-760 01 Zlín
E-mail: mail(at)
Kontaktní adresa pro Slovenskou republiku
Ing. Jaroslav Lajda (předseda klubu a zástupce Slovenské republiky)
Bôrická cesta 49, SK-010 01 Žilina
E-mail: slovensko(at)
(c) Československý DX klub 2015