In our previous message we informed about our 29th October broadcast (last Sunday).
That went out on 7700//9345 kHz. 9945 was nót communicated in our message. We didn't
expect that 9300 and 9335 were not clear and a move was the only solution.
Conditions last Sunday were not what we hoped for.
A new opportunity is next Sunday November 5th (hoping for the better).
We will be on air on 6185 kHz and once again 31 metres. We do hope starting on 9300 but
realize it could be any other frequency in the 9290- 9345 range!
Start is 09:52 CET sharp, close down 14:35 CET.
We are looking forward to have your company next Sunday!
73s, Peter V. on behalf of the FRS staff
Dear FRS Friends,
We'd like to inform you about our upcoming broadcast.
That will take place next Sunday October 29th between 09:52- 14:35 CET (wintertime!).
Frequencies: 7700//9300 (alt. 9330/9335 kHz).
Mind you: due to circumstances 6185 kHz will be off but instead the complete programming
will be aired (repeated) a week later (on 6185) on Sunday November 5th between 09:52- 14:35 CET.
Of course there will be Internet streams. The full schedule is to be read below.
The new FRS-Holland website is still under construction but work is progressing!
Please be patient. We do the best we can. It's a very time consuming job.
We offer a total of 9 different QSL cards printed in full color on heavy quality paper.
Since this Summer we have a brand new sticker showing our station logo.
Write to: P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands.
Make a note on your calendar: our traditional Seasonal broadcast is scheduled for Sunday December 17th.
Choosing for ‘the best of both worlds’ FRS-Holland goes for broadcasting on short wave in good old AM ánd digital
high quality web streaming. Listeners can make their choice out of two streams(see below schedule):
Streaming service
Dates/Times in UTC/CET: Wintertime starts October 29th.
Monday October 30th
16:52- 21:35 UTC
17:52- 22:35 CET
Wednesday November 1st
16:52- 21:35 UTC
17:52- 22:35 CET
Friday November 4th
16:52- 21:35 UTC
17:52- 22:35 CET
Thursday November 2nd
17:00- 22:00 CET
18:00- 23:00 UTC
Saturday November 4th
07:00- 12:00 UTC
08:00- 13:00 CET
Sunday November 5th
08:00- 13:00 UTC
09:00- 14:00 CET
We're looking forward hearing from you!
73s, the FRSH team (Bert, Mike, Jan, Dave & Brian)
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...Centrální adresa klubu, sídlo klubu:
Československý DX klub
Lorencova 5424, CZ-760 01 Zlín
E-mail: mail(at)dx.cz
Kontaktní adresa pro Slovenskou republiku
Ing. Jaroslav Lajda (předseda klubu a zástupce Slovenské republiky)
Bôrická cesta 49, SK-010 01 Žilina
E-mail: slovensko(at)dx.cz
(c) Československý DX klub 2015