After 20 years of DSWCI sponsorship, the GT 2016 is now sponsored by the Czechoslovak DX Club. This contest is held from Friday 18 November 2016, 0000 UTC, to Sunday 4 December 2016, 2400 UTC. It is open to all shortwave listeners regardless to their membership in any DX club.
Contest forms can be obtained at <> or downloaded from this article; those who participated in last year will receive the contest form automatically.
Primary contest frequencies are from 2300 to 26100 kHz. Logs outside this range will be valued by half points.
The contest fee EUR 3.00 / USD 4.00 shall be sent together with the contest form to:
Jaroslav Bohac, Svestkova 2828/7, 400 11 Usti n.L., CZECH REPUBLIC
Deadline: 11 December 2016 (date of post stamp) !!!
First three winners will be awarded small prizes and each participant will receive a contest diploma with his/her classification and a list of paricipants with their results.
In Part 1 listen please to any BC station of the contest country or a relay, for 15 minutes at least. For one country one log only. No unofficial, pirate or clandestine stations!
Scoring: 1000 points of each logged country will be divided by the total number of all logs of the particular country and rounded to two decimal places.
In Part 2 you can add other points to your score by listening to any DX programme. The number of DX programmes is limited to 4! All countries are allowed. Scoring in the same way as in Part 1, however, maximum point value 100 points for one DX programme and 50 points for other log(s) from the same country made by the same listener.
In Part 3 you can even further raise your score if you answer correctly the quiz questions. All correct answers = 200 points = 20% to your total score from parts 1 + 2.
Example: 86 points = +8.6%, 148 points = +14.8% to your score in Part 1, etc.
Note: Please give sufficient details in your logs to be validated! Logs with general notes, such as “music”, “male talk” cannot be accepted.
We wish you good listening!
The form you can download here,
The quiz questions you can download here.
Zdravím, odkud jste? Jarda 777847038
...Centrální adresa klubu, sídlo klubu:
Československý DX klub
Lorencova 5424, CZ-760 01 Zlín
E-mail: mail(at)
Kontaktní adresa pro Slovenskou republiku
Ing. Jaroslav Lajda (předseda klubu a zástupce Slovenské republiky)
Bôrická cesta 49, SK-010 01 Žilina
E-mail: slovensko(at)
(c) Československý DX klub 2015